Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I think I may be depressed.. please help?

Going through what you did does make you extremely strong. that is amazing i probably could not handle all that. but firs of all you still can be strong and get some help with your feelings so you can sort them and everything. even the great kings of old had people they went to for advice and some confidence in that what they were doing was just and right. i know i have had some bad times too and it shure does help when you have a family that will be there for you no matter what. and it seems like you have a good family. i know it is hard right now with everything that is going on but in time you will see that everything happens for a reason. i know i shouldnt bring god into the picture but you should keep the faith. and ive noticed with alot of my problems its all my fault. i realize that i do not make nice choices and that in turn gets me into trouble. try to keep all the poison out of your life the best you can. like with the bf and crazy creeper guy. just be true to yourself and find some happy place that you can excape to in your mind. like a family vacation or a funny birthday party. remember the people you loved who ped with fondness and be glad that you got to be with them as long as you could. and appreciate your family. for they love you and treat every day like a new beginning. i love you for how strong you are..

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